The Lord is my light and my salvation;
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life;
of whom shall I be afraid?
—Psalm 27:1
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life;
of whom shall I be afraid?
—Psalm 27:1
Hello friends, parents, family & loves ones for Ashley,
After much prayer and thought we have decided to seek your help in assisting the open investigation on Ashley's accident. As you all may already know or have heard, Ashley did not act on her own when she had her accident. We have learned through blood work that she had an illegal substance in her system causing her to go into a state of mind to harm herself. We have been informed as to when, where, and who gave this illegal substance to her. The Edinburg School District Police Department with the help of the Edinburg City Police Department have opened up and active investigation and is working with us in bringing forward this person or persons so we may file criminal charges. At this time we are asking for your help with any information in regards to this investigation or any illegal activity going on in our schools. All your personal information will be highly confidential.
After much prayer and thought we have decided to seek your help in assisting the open investigation on Ashley's accident. As you all may already know or have heard, Ashley did not act on her own when she had her accident. We have learned through blood work that she had an illegal substance in her system causing her to go into a state of mind to harm herself. We have been informed as to when, where, and who gave this illegal substance to her. The Edinburg School District Police Department with the help of the Edinburg City Police Department have opened up and active investigation and is working with us in bringing forward this person or persons so we may file criminal charges. At this time we are asking for your help with any information in regards to this investigation or any illegal activity going on in our schools. All your personal information will be highly confidential.
You need to be Ashley's voice and speak out for her now that she can not speak for herself yet! By you staying quiet, it will only be a matter time before this happens again to someone very close to you. Look around you, who will be next? We need to work together to get reed of this trash in our schools. Enough is Enough about everybody knows and everybody is doing it!! The ECISD is a DRUG FREE school zone with ZERO TOLERANCE and we must keep it that way! We are very blessed to have our Ashley here with us today. Unfortunately it is not the same for other families who have experienced the loss of their loved one in the same situation. What family is next? Parents please encourage and support your student in calling in with any information helping with this investigation. Please understand that we were once parents that thought that our kids were untouchable with these illegal substances in schools. Please we need your help. WE PRAY THAT YOU MAY NEVER EXPERIENCE ANYTHING LIKE THIS.
Please call Investigator Johnny Rodriguez at the ECISD Police Department at 380-8930 or 289-2572. You can also call crime stoppers. If your information leads to any arrest, you will be given a monetary award through crimes stoppers. For more information on crime stoppers please call the ECISD Police Department. Last but not least, to the person or persons who gave Ashley this illegal substance the day of May 19th at school, Ashley turned to you when she needed a friend with words of encouragement and support but you were no friend all you did was give her poison. I don't know how you could ever be a friend to anyone. You have no heart, no faith, and for sure no love for yourself or anyone else. Understand that even if you move from school to school, town to town, state to state. You may even change your hair color, change your name to avoid the people that are already looking at you and know what you are and what you have done. Even if justice is not served to the extreme that we want for you to serve here on earth, your day of justice will come when you face our Lord. You cannot hide from him no matter where you go or who you know. Your only salvation of mercy is come forward and ask for forgiveness until then this will haunt you for the rest of your life. MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOUL.
The Olivarez Family
The Olivarez Family